Friday, August 20, 2010

Oasis in the Sea of Unemployment by Anne Wrobetz

Employment! Like the shimmering island that mocks somebody lost at sea, it has eluded me all summer. But at long last, I have reached the banks of that island, climbing ashore and bowing to the benevolent gods who sent me there. Of course, all this kissing of the sand has left me with a rather gritty mouth. My schedule now has as many entries as the Pacific Ocean has shells.
The housekeeping affair has blossomed. Apparently if you do a good job cleaning somebody’s house, they have a strange urge to recommend you to other people who want clean houses. Housekeeping and babysitting seem to go hand-in-hand, as well. I’m starting to feel like a housewife!
Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I love being so busy, and always having a different job to go to. I’m getting some downtime in as well, though I do have to make more of an effort to plan it out. When riding the bus to TJ Maxx, I manage to squeeze in a decent amount of reading. I’m lucky, too, that a lot of my jobs are self-scheduled, such as housekeeping. I can go in whenever I want. Typically, I’ll go in the mornings so that I have the entire afternoon to myself. Another aspect of many of my jobs is that I can listen to music while working—definitely something to consider when you ask yourself if a career is right for you. I feel like my deserted island of employment is a tropical oasis when the Beach Boys come on and set the luau theme.
So I am still in the middle of the ocean of summer vacation, asking hermit crabs for directions. But I’ve come to a nice little island well-populated with palm trees that keep dropping coconuts on my head. Am I getting too metaphorical for your taste? I’ve found steady employment and more jobs keep popping up. I guess all I can do now is lean against a palm tree, crack open a coconut, and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Here’s to work!

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