Monday, May 9, 2011

How I Met The Love Of My Life In College by Meagan Flannery

I know I usually write blogs about film, but they (UVN) have asked us to write about our dating experiences in college. This is not a fairy tale.

When I started college, I lacked one social advantage that most freshmen had. I did not live in the dorms. It wasn’t that I was anti-social or anything, it’s just that I was starting college as a 21-year old, because I took two years off after high school, and I didn’t feel comfortable being the only freshmen in the dorms who could legally purchase alcohol. Too much pressure.

Anyway, I didn’t have the same social opportunities that a lot of freshmen have. I wasn’t involved with dorm activities, and I wasn’t around the same group of people all the time. In fact, I went into college pretty much alone, focusing on work and class. Not to mention, I didn’t like the party scene.

So how did I approach dating?

I went to class. I took at least two classes every semester that I enjoyed and were small. This is how I met all of my closest friends now. In classes that are small, and project-based, it is easier to interact with people in a natural way. It also doesn’t hurt to take a class in which you meet people with similar interests. Think of it as a “pre-screening” for potential dates. Most of the people I dated in college I was not only in class with, but I met while working on a project together. I promise I’m not just saying this to get you to go to class.

However, this is not how I met my boyfriend. I met my boyfriend through mutual friends (also another “pre-screening” technique) but our relationship grew by partaking in school-related activities and groups. We have a common interest in terrible and disgusting horror films that has solidified our relationship for 3 years.

College is a wonderful place to date, because there is so much to do, and so many ways to interact with a person to tell if they are a good match. It is also a way to date safely! Unfortunately, being in college doesn’t protect you from dating hazards, but this is a way to keep it safe.

My advice for people dating in college is to get involved in activities that interest you. This way you meet people with like interests. Try to avoid “hooking up” at parties. You might think everyone is doing it (they aren’t) and you will probably regret it later.

You might not meet your soul mate, but I promise you will meet a lot of interesting people, and hopefully go on a lot of fun/interesting dates! Also, I can guarantee that your college screens at least one movie for free at least once a month, so that’s a perfect date idea!

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