Friday, July 23, 2010

Being Fit and Staying Healthy Is Not as Hard as You Think by Chris Wicus

You’re way too busy to work out, I get it. You have to balance school and a part time job. You have a jam-packed course load this semester. You are trying so desperately to flirt with the cute girl that lives down the hall. These are all valuable and worthy expenditures of your time, so how are you going to fit in your workouts?

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 20-30 minutes of moderate to high intensity aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week. Additionally, the ACSM suggests two resistance training sessions per week. These are the minimum suggested levels of activity to stay healthy and prevent chronic disease. When considered beside all of your other weekly obligations, this may seem a daunting task. These minimal recommendations will keep your heart healthy, your brain functioning well, and most importantly it will help you de-stress and feel great.

Here are some tips that might help you out.

Split it up into short bouts. Exercise can be accumulated throughout the day in 10 minute bouts. A quick bike to class or a jog with the dog before work. There is no rule requiring you to workout in hour long blocks.

Keep things fresh. Use different intensities and modes of exercise to keep yourself interested and keep your body guessing. Try swimming or biking instead of running for a few weeks. By requiring different movement patterns from your body, you will avoid boredom and see greater long term results.

Make a plan. By scheduling your exercise, it becomes a part of your lifestyle. Integrating exercise into your routine will help you stay consistent.

You don’t need a gym. You don’t want to lug yourself over to the gym? Throw some shoes on, crank up your iPod and run up and down your dorm staircase for 20 minutes. You’ll feel much better afterward. I promise.

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