Friday, July 23, 2010

Partying by Erik Kemp

Partying, it happens. While as an active college student myself, it would be hypocritical for me to say I have not partied or if I encouraged you as the reader not to go out and party. But I will say this, drinking does not have to be a part of your college experience if you don’t want it to be. People often times feel so forced into drinking and partying from pressures stemming from society, friends, and even oneself. Though, many make the choice not to drink and have a great time at college doing various other things. Some suggestions would be to join a club, do an intramural sport, attend a fundraiser, just keep yourself busy. Do not get wrapped up with the “party life”. It’s not worth struggling or even failing out of college to do so. I was actually on the brink of failing out and not being asked to come back which happens more than one would think. I got caught up my freshman year with partying and I’m still paying the price (extra semesters of tuition) for it. So maybe you choose that you are going to make partying a part of your college experience. If you do choose to go party and drink, I do encourage you to just be safe and smart. The biggest thing is have a plan! Go out with friends and make sure everybody, including yourself, gets home safe. Do not be afraid to get in trouble if one of your friends drank too much and their life is in danger. Not all drinks are created equal! Beer, liquor and wine all have different percentages of alcohol. Just because that one cup didn’t make your buddy drunk, doesn’t mean that you won’t get drunk off of it. Limit your partying, school comes first! Don’t go party on a Wednesday just because all your friends are going out. There will be plenty of other opportunities to go out. And remember you might have a test or a quiz the day after. You never know those professors and TA’s can get pretty tricky. Puking and rallying is not cool! Obviously, if your body is making you throw up it’s trying to tell you, “No more alcohol!” There is no point in having an ego measuring contest with your buddy to see who can drink the most. It comes off as pathetic and attention hungry. My Final Words: Nobody can pressure you to party and drink. You always have the choice to make or not make partying part of your college experience.

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